Queensland Government - DET
Early learning chatterbox
At Grafix Garage, we believe that a project is as good as the client allows it to be. This was definitely the case with one of our favourite projects - the Chatterbox.

Distributed to preschool aged kids throughout Queensland, we had a great time creating a 'make-your-own' Chatterbox. Illustrations were designed to engage children in a fun, interactive way utilising the tactility of paper and the visual stimulation of print.

Printed on an environmentally friendly stock in full colour with a complex cutting die that allowed for easy folding and removal from the parent sheet. There were several incarnations of this project, some were single sheet inclusions to the Royal National Show (Ekka) show bags, others were inserted directly into the Sunday Mail newspaper and assorted magazines for distribution to a wider audience.

Designed to be informative and educational, these chatterboxes were an economical way to spread the word through a fun interactive and tactile activity.
We create custom digital assets that help to tell your story...

...and sell your idea.

“Is what I’m doing right now the smartest way to do it?”
“Am I adding real value to the people I’m doing this for?”
“Is this the best solution? Is it answering the right problem?”
“Is there a way to automate this?”